Car keys

A car key or an automobile key is a key used to open and/or start an automobile. Modern key designs are usually symmetrical, and some use grooves on both sides, rather than a cut edge, to actuate the lock. It has multiple uses for the automobile with which it was sold. A car key can open the doors, as well as start the ignition, open the glove compartment and also open the boot of the car.

Keyless entry systems, which use either a door-mounted keypad or a remote control in place of a car key, have become a standard feature on most new cars. Some of them are handsfree.


Internal cut

An internal cut (also known as “sidewinder” or “laser cut”) key has a rectangular blade with a wavy groove cut up the center of the face of the blade, at a constant depth. Typically the key has an identical wavy groove on the back of the blade, making it symmetrical so it works no matter which way it is inserted. These keys must be cut by special key cutting machines made for them.


Transponder keys may also be called “chip keys”. Transponder keys are automotive ignition keys with signal-emitting circuits built inside.

When the key is turned in the ignition cylinder, the car’s computer transmits a radio signal to the transponder circuit. The circuit has no battery, it is energised by the radio signal itself. The circuit typically has a computer chip that is programmed to respond by sending a coded signal back to the car’s computer. If the circuit does not respond or if the code is incorrect, the engine will not start. 

Got the problem with your car key?